Friday, December 11, 2009


Fans of PHI, and the PHIfan are happy to report;
Free play reading set for this Sunday Arts & Entertainment
Guelph Tribune

A free reading of a new play by Touchmark Theatre artistic director Douglas Beattie will be presented on Sunday in Co-operators Hall at the River Run Centre.

Reservations by e-mail are required for the 2:30 p. m. Dec. 13 reading, which will be followed by a talk-back session in which audience comments and questions will be invited. Those wishing to attend should contact Beattie at dbeattie@

Touchmark Theatre is a professional theatre company based in Guelph. Sunday’s reading will have seven experienced actors giving the reading, including Beattie’s brother Rod Beattie, who is well known for his portrayal of characters in the Wingfield series of plays. The other six actors are Michael Spencer-Davis, Randy Hughson, Gordon Miller, Donald Carrier, Phi Bulani and Martha Farrell.

The play, called "Courting Italians", is “a love story, a war-time adventure and a drama with frequent moments of comic relief,” a news release said.

“Its characters include fighting men and more-or-less innocent bystanders caught up in the machinery of a terrifying war.”

The play is set in mountainous country not far from Rome during the Second World War.

Friday, October 30, 2009


Happy Halloween Everyone from WWW. PHI BULANI.COM
Be Safe!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Dear PHI;
Best Wishes for another exciting year!
Love the PHIfans